
  • Pay Negotiations

    Conflict Handling Robert chose to use the competing style against Kay when she was unwilling to approve a salary raise for his team. Although she did state sound reasonings as to why she turned down Robert’s request, Robert stood his ground and refused to accept any conclusion that was not his request. In the competing… Continue reading

  • Stereotypes

    Ever watched a baby gender reveal video? What would be the two most prominent colours you would expect to see? Without even mentioning any colours, I am sure the colours ‘Blue’ and ‘Pink’ would have appeared in everyone’s mind. This is due to the influence of society. Society has grouped and associated the colours with… Continue reading

  • The Johari Window

    What is it? Johari Window is a model made by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955. They created the model to allow individuals to communicate more authentically and encourage the growth of a healthy relationship within the team. A Reflection of Self Upon analysing the two different models done by two separate individuals, they… Continue reading

  • Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication

    Introduction The Shannon-Weaver model of communication was first created in 1948 by Claude Shannon, an American Mathematician and Electronic enginneer and Warren Weaver, an American Scientist. It is a simple linear, one-way process depicting daily communicaitons. However due to the nature and complexity of communication, we are unable to explain it using such a simple… Continue reading

  • Life with JN

    Introduction Hello! 🙂 My name is Jie Ning, a 22 year-old undergraduate studying Business Information System (BBIS) at the University of Wollongong (UOW). Prior to joining UOW, I was in Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) studying in the science stream; taking the subject combination of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Economics. Why BBIS? Honestly if I… Continue reading

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