Life with JN


Hello! 🙂 My name is Jie Ning, a 22 year-old undergraduate studying Business Information System (BBIS) at the University of Wollongong (UOW). Prior to joining UOW, I was in Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) studying in the science stream; taking the subject combination of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Economics.


Honestly if I were to question my teenage self on this topic, I would have never thought of getting into an IT related path. However, taking up this degree made me broaden my mindset and allowed me accquire new knowledge that I never thought was significant in my life. More importantly, with the rapid evolution in the world, I understood the benefits I could reap from going into this career path. 


Aside from studying, I spend a lot of my time playing volleyball. I started volleyball ever since I was in secondary school. This passion continued onto my Junior College days and now even in SIM I am still an active player on the team. In the recent Singapore University Games (SUNIG) and Institute Varsity Polytechnic (IVP) Games, I am very proud to say, SIM Women Volleyball team won the 2nd runner-up and Champion title respectively. While volleyball started off as an innocent interest, it has definitely made an impact and opened up many opportunities which shaped me to become the person I am today.

Core Memories

Back in 2019, I was very lucky to be presented a chance to become a participant in the OBS 21-day Leadership and Service Challenge Programme (LSA). It was an eye-opening experience and a memory I will hold dearly. Though our team started off on the wrong foot and we found it difficult to communicate with one another at the beginning, we managed to work through all our problems within the first few days of the programme. We worked hard to get through all the obstacles presented to us, both physically and mentally. 

Though it was an experience not all can withstand; being away from home and staying together with people I have only known on the day of arrival. I do not regret my decision in joining this programme. It has taught me to become more independent and forced me to get out of my comfort zone. At the end of the 21-days, the bonds I have formed with my team was unimaginable.


Thank you for taking your time to read through some snippets of my life. I hope you all have learnt a little more about me! 🙂

One response to “Life with JN”

  1. Hi Jie ning , I really liked your blog post, it was very enjoyable to read. I am also interested in volleyball and i think its a great sport that requires individual skills and teamwork. Its always nice to see different memories of unique indivduals such as yourself as it widens my mindset and outlook of life. I wish you all the best in school and your future goals!

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